Missionary ID # 133
“…Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)
This is the last and Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus to His disciples and to every Christian. As a believer it is our responsibility to Go into all the world and preach the Gospel. Soul Winners India exists to fulfill this Great Commission of our Lord by reaching thousands of unreached people with the Good News in south Asia.
It is the responsibility of each Christian to be a part of this Great Commission. Today, it is almost impossible for most of American Christians to go and preach as missionaries in many Asian countries. In reality, there is a much simpler and more effective way to take Jesus to these unreached areas: Soul Winners India- supported native missionaries. They already speak the language because they are native of the countries where they work. They understand the culture because it is their own. And they are not see as outsiders trying to change a culture. Instead, they communicate the Gospel in sincerity and truth, straight from their heart.
You can still be a partner in fulfilling the Great Commission without going to these countries by simply using the resources God has given you. Most native missionaries have no income from outside sources. They struggle on in poverty, continuing their village outreach with no resources other than the meager contributions of low-income believers within their churches. But financial assistance may be sent to them through Soul Winners India. SWI supports more than 500 native missionaries in south Asia.
Missionaries serving with SWI need $50 a month, or more depending on location. For $50 a month you can have the joy of fully sponsoring a native missionary in many parts of south Asia. We will send you Sponsorship Certificate with a photo and regular updates from your missionary.
Sponsor A missionary today.